hye sume...long-long time no see ha!..hehhehe...sory la..life as a student..a bit buzy..but right now..i have reach end of 1st semaster..(erkkk... almost end of semester break)..hehehhee okyh
now..lest story-morrY..okyh...
semester break started..n i have a lot off time to lepak2 goyang kaki at home..but klu pk dary wasting time dok umah(bak kate ayah umi,menghabiskan beras je)>,<..baik la den pg blaja n carik duit..heheh...so sy pon telah menghabiskan cuti semester 1 nie di RED CARD cafe..terletak di seksyen 9,Bandar baru Bangi..
inilah tempatnye... cafe nie baru bukak time atul kje..x sampai sebulan lagi pon..okyh..terletak berhampiran a very famous cafe.. Little White Cafe
syez...syok giler kje sambil blaja kat sini..perghhhh..macam2 bahan rempah ratus itali atul knal..hahha...Red Card nie specialist on western food.. cheff kt sni sume grad baikk punye n authorized in cheff associations members... so no need to wory la about the taste en their services
nie la port plg aq ske
pak wit...ni dah cm ayah angkat dah...sangat bestttt..
wiff cheff zaki...pengantin baru tu...
ni irfan..my best friends sangat-sangat kat sini...
the black man..master cheff in here..
k..nie la my kakak-kakak yng slalu tlg kat red card
my bos!..big bos(man wearing black shirt) bang nik
so kalu sesape yang dok dekat bangi..mai2 pkat ramai2 serbu red card... im very sure... you will not dispointed with their food.. starting from their appetizer till deasert..im sure tht u will alwways remember this cafe...
Gud Bye red card... i will never forget this beautiful moment...