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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

gud luck nurse to be

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, December 31, 2013 0 budak comel komen
assalamualaikum..oky entry kali nie cam sedih la sikit..why..becoyse one of my best friends..true friend...and soo on la...kire kawan till jannah..insya allah...azreen abdullah...she got an offer to become a nurse...dy accept..bygkn..dy la roomate..then bertukar mnjadi housemate..housemate yg sedang keriangan bersame..tetibe dy kne pergi..mungkin ad hikmah..allah da tetapkan rezeki yng lebih baik untuk die..kan..kan..
last hang out as housemate...
credit to mek mun kerane sudi snap pic kami..heheh

girl in pink..yeaa..tht my girl... to yeen..i will never forget about you..i will always remember our precious moment and soo a good muslimah..n kind heart nurse..god luck..catch ur dream..find ur future sayang.. semoge persahabatan yg terjalin akan terus berkekalan..insya allah..
(p/s:  bergenang air mate dah nie...sob..sob..)
hadirnya seseorang itu telah ditakdirkan oleh allah..mungkin untuk mebawa kita kejalan yang lebih baik..jika allah menariknya semula...mungkin allah s.w.t nk uji..adakh perubahan itu kerana manusia atau ikhlas kerana allah..setiap yang berlaku pasti ad hikma..
love u u yeen azreen๐Ÿ˜ข

fakta anak pertama!๐Ÿ˜

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, December 31, 2013 1 budak comel komen
hello dear readers....opsss b4 tu...i wishhh olll off uu "happy new year" so amacam...azam taunie trlaksane o x..hehehhe x pe..kalu x terlaksane myB blm smpai rezeki tu...dont give up oky..try harder to get anything tht want... for la azam yang tercapai..muhahahha but ad gak yang stilll terawang-awangan...zupppppp...haha..x cube next year kembali berkisar kepada topic asal..
yeaaa..saye anak pertame..

okay... bace nie
hehheh..most of the fact is true...myb secare nuce to know taw..hehehh..da la...bubye..happy new year!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

ohhh...i got my own suggie

Posted by atul azly at Monday, December 30, 2013 0 budak comel komen
hallu dear...hahhah..setelah berzaman kuno x update blok...dah mcm sarang tikus.....berhabukkkk...
aicehhhh.. so hampir beberape bulan x update..lal..nk intro panjang lebar membebl skit lar new year da dekat..lagi satu harinje nk berganjak ke 2014!!!yahoooo......alhamdulilah..semoge tros diberikan umur yang
panjang untuk terus menikmati udara sega daripada allah s.w.t...
copp...coppp...dah intro panjang nk tunjuk bby baru dy "baby""P:s.make sure btol2 sebut ea u allss..its "baby..not...tuuutttttttt...
hehe...oky....actualy i bru je bele suggies ni..dr lpas spm dah i mintak..huh..harapan punye harapan
sampai ke gunung santubung x dapat2...n at berjaye jugak memiliki ne pada hari lahir yg ke so excited to have own suggie..seriyezz beb...korang akan rase sayang n treat dy mcm bby coz mereke sssesangat la manje nk continue tgk cerite "ular" afterthis i will make a review for this movie...layaaanzzz..bubyeee dear!!
opppsss.. jom tgk gambar baby i..
seee...i kacau baby tidoo..hehe..comeells taw!


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