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Friday, February 17, 2012

bye permanis sandiland!

Posted by atul azly at Friday, February 17, 2012
okyh...hari pertame jadi pegangur trhormat...mengadap lptop jer lar kje den..hahahhahaha.. rindu plk dorang sume..hehhehehe...sume doa aq kwen cpt...dorang nk datang majlis aq..insyaallah...dlm mase trdekat dapatlah kad jmputan..hehehe
last day
cdehhh(aicehhhh pdhal ngntok nieyh)hahhaha

okyh..nie lar gmbar trakhr  shaye d permanis sandiland..

cupy cakes..100% made by atul a gift for my colleague..
and also clebrate my supervisor birthday..kak amy n cik anom

im crazy in red..hahahhaha

i wish all of u at One Stop Center(osc) at permanis a continued succes..thanks and a sincere appreciation to you for giving me an opportunity to work as one of your employee 

from :atul azly 
T0129 temp staff
,agent team, OSC ,permanis sandiland...

the best things that i will never forget is my team..agent team..=)

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