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Thursday, February 9, 2012

happy birthday to you..

Posted by atul azly at Thursday, February 09, 2012
hapy birthday to my bro..muhammad ashyraf bin azly..sweet 14..hahhaha..young men..da bsa adik aq upnyer..
sayang kat ko..
 wishing you happy birthday,many happy return,may allah bless u.. n study hard..make our parents proud to have a good n handsome boy like u..hahahhah,,improve ur self..
iknow u cn do it..
with full of love_ur sis(atul azly)

aku pulak...nasi'
meh amek ah nsi nie...cedaappp..

n then kiteorang dapat ahli keluarge baru. yang celebrate bday same ngn ashyraf

new baby nk gigit jer!
gemersik kalbu dah hbis..ala sweetnyr dapat husbnd cam2..hehehhehe
n aq x fhm..mstiker ader cincin mean da bpunyer..da tunang..ala cincin 2 ader mcm2 maksud..
(tp kbnyknyer tande) komen =P
today story..
countdown..7 days left before resigned..=(
good bye permanis sandiland.. i will miss u

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