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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

wow! sy x percaye

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, December 27, 2011 0 budak comel komen
okyh...ape kes nie  caye x caye plk...okyh..TOP UP..hahahah...kan skrg tgh HOTLINK BONANZA...tol aq pon top up lar stiap kali kua...n tadi bosan2 aq p ah tgk baki 73 rgt WOW! nilai yang sgt2 best..hahahahah...mklumah..skr da x ad mcg2 agy cam dulu...hehheheh..wekend nie bley sup svs..hahahah.. ceh... murah hati giler..siap ley share2 kdit uh...bebaloi-baloi... umi ckp kalu nk abhkan kedit carik bf...okyh!!! perhhhhh...x sangke...sepanjang aq gne fn x pnh kdit ad bnyk mcmnie...slamenie keje x ckup kedit jer..hahahahhah...okyh ah...x yah top up agy... opsssssss....jom sup svs... yea! boleh2... mari sup svs..=) ingt 7.30  upnyer 73 rgt...rajin bona top up..gune nyer x pon..x per2...taun baru t baru top up agy....

happy bithday to december.....

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, December 27, 2011 0 budak comel komen
hye sume....
lame plak tak update blog en...
okyh...perihal 1  minggu....25 dec sy telah becuti buat petama kalinyer..
sy pg sg chongkak...alo..x ley nk share gambo lar coz x bwk usb cable...balik singgah kedai laptop=) sy dah beli laptop baru.... HP PAVILION...hahahah yang penting.colour merah
cantik x??/ heheheh...n sy da p beli beg laptop colour merah...comel..mouspad n cooler pad colour putih..mouspad POOH.. ingat nak amek VAIO..tapi camre x smooth.. so x jadi...lgpon proceser dier cam x best bg orang yang giler software mmg bagus sgt2 ah amek HP..than lasak nie bln depan nak tambah ram tgk budget..bln dpn nk angkat galaxy Y...hadoiiiiii..duit ohhhhh duit....sonoknyerrrrr 
habis duit gaji aq...cik red name diberi..hehehhe..oky nk manje2 ngn kekasih buah hati pengarang jantung baru nie..heheheh

Saturday, December 24, 2011

yang mane 1 pilihan hati????

Posted by atul azly at Saturday, December 24, 2011 0 budak comel komen
dear blog..oky..kalu tengok kat nk becinte plak...hahhahahahah mmg lar bcinte..tapi nie bcinte ngn keje...adui..dui..dui..mane 1 idaman kalbu...Suri Textile,Farhaniss enterprise @ pepsi sdn 3 pilihan kerje....x taw nie..cane ek...boley sape2 bg sugestion..kalu mngikut pendapat mucuk..^.^ keje kat suri o pepsi..hurmmm tp cin plk kat farhaniss nie...da lar aku jer pkrje dy..hurmmmm... nie dapat gaji..nk ah blanje aq offer ah mak aq nak tudung pilihkan mk aq tudung labuh..hahahhahaha....2 cantik...ayh pon ske tgk...aissshhhh sudah jg ayh pon soh aq pkai dah...tadi ngn syok2 borak ngn acik farhaniss ayah datang...gss what..ayh bg sy catalog LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!! yahooooo...ayah..shayang kamooooo..cayang ayah...yea2..tahun baru bley lar paki laptop sendiri..bley lar YM..yea2....mucuk suggest acer tapi sy nk vaio ahhhh...x kisah asal colour merah...yup...x-peria x8 aq bkal tiba...yes...tunggu ah yer..jap g kua ah x peria...hehehehehhe..da keje en...pgang duit sndiri....da bye2...nak ttup butik dah...=)

salam sayag atul azly

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

im 17 teen=)

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, December 20, 2011 2 budak comel komen
dear blog=) skrg telah berusie 17 tahun..umur yang sgt2 dinanti-nantikan oleh seorang remaje perempuan..hehehehe(myB kot) all my friends..n sume2 yang wish birthday shaye..thq u so muchhhmuchhh...suke..pnoh wall ngn birtday wish..n 1st person yng wish brthdy shye tepat pukul 12 tgh mlm 19 dec 2011 is mr pa'an..tq2..thnks coz awk nynyi tok sye..heheheh...2nd mr A.A...tq so mucchhhhh...t bley mainkan piano lg tok i ea..korang bdue...gud luck amek lesen sok..=)n gud luck tok 1st time keje hr khmis..2 qieyla..pyzan n spupu...tq2...bwk shye jenjalan kat ts.. n amek gamba yng comel ngn maskot pd hari jadi shye... pa' suke awk main piano..t pasni lagu ungu plak my bro...tq2...wlwpon penat ad sminar awk ttp call sye..terharu!! mekaceh....n 4 MY LOVLY MOM!!! I LOVE U!! awk buatkan kek Barbie yang sy nak dgn tema warne kgemaran sye..merah putih...ayah...temekaceh tok $$$..hehehehheh ciq qaed..mkaceh nyanyi tok pa' x kn lupe situasi di TS..heheheh...sweet purple=)
cume someone yng x dpt nk brgmbire same mraikn hari yng bermakne...x per..thnks tok wish awak..wlwpon awk wis awal...thenksss^.^

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

sy akn ke perlis!

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, December 13, 2011 0 budak comel komen
hye...nie mmg aku cuti2 malaysia btol tahunnie...hahahahaha...asalnyer aq x nk pg perlis..then tibe2 ayh soh pg..pas2 mlm tadi aku x kms pon x nk tbe2 ayh kejot pg td n bagi aq note biru$$$..hehehehehaq pon tersenyum gembire=) seronok...dlm bln 12 nie sy da bcuti kat Perak,Pahang ,Perlis,Kedah n peneng...opssss x lupe...harini nk p ngori sembilan
pesanan penaja:" bercutilah di Malaysia segalanya ada disini"hehehhehe...tapi yng x syoknyer...weyh...kering giler duit syiling jer...dalam bank pon da abh..hheheheh..x per...bln depan mashukkkk balik....
tapi aku da wat pjanjian ngn ayh yng aku nk tmbah chanel aq kne byo...aduisshhhhh...da terbang!
RM700-RM100(astro)-RM50(top up)-RM250(duit2 blnje jajan aq)-RM100(untuk umi+ayah) selebihnyer...simpan lar...kang aq nk msok U x yh nyusahkan umi ayh sgt duit blanje monthly..heheheheh...2 lar alkisah

pengalamn kerje ku!

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, December 13, 2011 0 budak comel komen
hye...sbg seorang lepasan SPM yg x dpt plkn mst ah kje en..x kn nk jadi pengangur terhormat!=P slame 9 sye pon bekerje di butik baju muslimah...pasnie sy pergi keje pkai blouse@baju kurung...x ley pkai jean...hehhhe...sib baik tadi paki slack n dress labuh...then sy tlh brjumpe dgn rami trok tadi kne tawar menawar...skrg aq da pham cne perasaan biler meniage org minx twar!sy suke keje kalu nk tanye fashion tudung terkini@shawl@pashmina@jubah@ank tudung..n pelbagai material jubah jersy@cotton@lycra...sume da ley sesape yng nk bli tudung labuh! or nk bli jubah@kelengkapan haji n umrah..n tudung yang berbagai fesyen...dtg ah sksyn 9 bandar baru bangi....sederet ngn little white coffee n blakang Old Town white coffee...invrmnt tmpt kje sy adlah tmpt yng agk stndar ah..mane tak nyer..muffin kcik jer da RM 8.00..pergh..keje 1 ary da jumpe Puan Sri..datin2...baru 1 ary! lagi 9 bulan..wait n see...t boleh ah tgk kerenah pelanggan=)

Monday, December 12, 2011

sy bercuti di cameron!

Posted by atul azly at Monday, December 12, 2011 0 budak comel komen
helo2..hye blog...okyh da lame x update en..okyh sory lar...sye da pg bjalan taw!1st day! smpi2 suhu adelah 20'c..pergh...beku gak lar rlex lar jenjlan
nie dpn hotel..nk mulekan perjalanan
1st.taman rame2..bnyak sgt rame2 kat sini!! tp dier bkn rame2 gak lain...

then taman kaktus plk!
strwberies farm!!!!!

 okyh..malam....kiteorang p bli sayo..p bli mkana..suhu sekitar 18'c..sgt bley mkn ice cream agy!

last day latar iskndar n strwberies frm x jmpe gmbo ler.. 

b4 trun ader orng asli jual durin..perghhh...1st time rase durian sedap!!!
more picture..... klik kat sini!
bye!!! have a nice holiday!

Monday, November 28, 2011

9 prkare x ley bincang ngn lelaki

Posted by atul azly at Monday, November 28, 2011 0 budak comel komen
Takkan perempuan je yang mempunyaipantang mereka je kan? Lelaki pun ada juga sebab-sebab dan perkara-perkara yang mereka tidak suka wanita buat pada mereka.
Berikut merupakan 9 perkara yang tidak boleh dibincangkan dengan lelaki. Memang lelaki ini penuh dengan ego dan anda sebagai wanita, janganlah cuba mempermainkan ego mereka.
1. Jangan ceritakan ada seorang lelaki yang diam-diam meminati anda, apalagi jika lelaki tersebut adalah teman lama anda atau dia.
2. Membenci ibunya? Cukup dengan menyimpan perasaan itu dlm hati saja. Meskipun si dia yg membuka cerita soal keburukan sang ibu. Jangan cuba-cuba menambah atau mengiyakannya. Bertindak tenang dan
tutup mulut. Kalaupun hendak memberi komen, utarakan hal-hal yang positif dan neuteral sahaja.
3. Jangan menceritakan hal kecurangan yang pernah anda lakukan dibelakang dia. Hal ini akan meruntuhkan kepercayaan dia pada diri anda. Juga jangan sesekali memanjangkan cerita kecurangan dia terhadap anda. Tidak mustahil dia akan mengulanginya.
4. Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, `keperkasaan’ si dia tentu akan mengalami penurunan. Jangan cuba-cuba membandingkan hal itu dengan masa lalu.
5. Jangan juga menceritakan bahawa sahabat anda mencurangi suaminya. Dia akan berfikir bahawa anda juga akan bertindak demikian. Dia mungkin akan meragui kesetiaan anda ataupun dia akan mengongkong
diri anda atas sebab keselamatan hubungan dia dengan anda.
6. Jangan membuatnya patah semangat terhadap pekerjaan. Jika suatu hari dia mengeluh tentang bosnya yang bermasalah, berdirilah dipihaknya. Sokonglah dia dan bantunya mencari penyelesaian. Jangan terlalu mencampuri permasalahan tersebut. Cukup sekadar mendengar dan memberi pendapat. Dikhuatiri akan memudaratkan sekiranya anda cuba untuk masuk campur secara keterlaluan.
7. Bercerai adalah perkataan yang paling harus dihindari, walaupun anda benar-benar bertengkar hebat. Jika anda benar-benar tidak mahu berpisah darinya, buang kata-kata itu jauh-jauh.
8. Jika anda mempunyai pendapatan yang lebih besar darinya, jangan pernah menyinggung hal tersebut, apatah lagi menjadikan ia sebagai punca masalah.
9. Ghairah hidup anda tiba-tiba meningkat kerana bertemu dengan seorang teman lama atau seorang teman yang membuka hati anda. Jangan sesekali menceritakan hal ini pada pasangan anda. Biarkan hal itu berlalu dan anda nikmati sendiri tanpa melampaui batasan tatasusila. Yang penting, anda tidak akan merosakkan hubungan dengan pasangan hanya dengan keseronokan sementara.

sy ad pupet!

Posted by atul azly at Monday, November 28, 2011 0 budak comel komen
comel x pupet sy...cik rimau n cik singe..ngaummm..alolol...comel geram2.... sy nak main pupet

Friday, November 4, 2011

hari graduasi..

Posted by atul azly at Friday, November 04, 2011 0 budak comel komen
dear blog:)
alhamdulilah..hari ini happy..rezeki saye..dapat TOKOH x rase dapt coz ad 10 orang yang lain..tbe2...
" seterusnya majlis ditruskn lagi dgn anugrah tokoh sahsianh..sedikit biodata ringkas tentang tokoh pada hari ini,dilahirkan pada 19 disember 2011 di kajang selangor,mendapat pendidikan awal di SK Sungai merab luar,beliau sangat aktif dalam menyertai majlis-majlis yang dianjurkan oleh JPNS,"then citer..panjang giler..sampai citer Nadwah Bahasa Arab pon kua..pergh..
situasi aq:
 tengah tunduk,kpale bwah lapik meje ngh tuka kasut,then tibe2 cikgu tarik,sib baik x tplecok kaki den,da la kasut tumit tinggi,pastu cikgu tos tarik soh aku bdiri dkt dpn tunggu smpai pngacare habis bace biodata aq..pergh..x nk lame plk dier bace..aku smpi x ley nk bukak jubah..mnggigl smpai tgn x ley nk wat paper..lemah!
then da naik tangge 2..tunggu lagi..dier panggil umi ayh naik skali..heheheh=) bangge nmpk umi n ayh tersangat2 gembire..ayh n umi senyum jer..
inilah hasilnyer
sy suke yang pOOh 2..umi n ayh mmg faham sye suke colour cerah n soft..n plg pnting POOH comel 2!..hari ini dalam sejarah..kalu taun pas aku ckp..cane lar dorang rase jadi parents dorang bangge ngn ank dier..dier pon mst sronok..NOW..sye da rase..mmg sgt manis saat tadi..kalu bley nk ulang lagi..seronok...
then mlm nk clebrate kjayaan saye JOM..MKN LUA!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

twilight is poison 4 me

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, November 01, 2011 0 budak comel komen
huh...sedang leke2 mngodek komputer qieyla mngingtkan aku tntang twiligh..aku pon stop lar..da sal twilight en..
aku serch lar evry single web about twilight aku da jlajah...syes..aku kne tgk...slgi x dapt slagi 2 lar aku dok bukan web twilight jer...x ley blah tol...tnsyn den! nk  tgk twilight..nk CD

he's willing to die for her..!
Wanna read New Moon with a twist?
Check out the Bahasa Melayu translation of New Moon, titled Cinta Baru. Yea, I know.
Here's the description:
Buku kedua dalam saga Twilight: New Moon kini diterjemahkan kepada Bahasa Malaysia.
"Aku tahu yang kami berdua benar-benar dalam bahaya. Meskipun begitu, aku masih merasa tenang dan selamat. Merasa sempurna. Jantungku berdegup kencang. Nadiku sekali lagi berdenyut pantas dan hangat, dan dadaku penuh dengan keharuman aroma kulitnya. Kelukaan dahulu seolah-olah telah tiada. Aku sihat - bukan sembuh daripada luka, tetapi seolah-olah luka itu memang sedia tiada sejak mula"
It's available at MPH for RM34.90.

oky juz rm34.00 saye nak ini..okyh...
list orang yang mau aku pow:

  1. ayah
  2. ummi
  3. makcu
  4. acik atie
  5. cikman
okyh..saye akn brusehe moon n breaking down.. x kisah english o mlay..saye akn mbace due2 bhase... okyh!!brusehe atul azly!

prihal baju koprat SMV/SMT

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, November 01, 2011 0 budak comel komen
dear blog..:)
harini nak cerite tentang prihal baju koprat
okyh..nie lar contohnyer..
2010: pelajar ting4 tahun depan akan memakai baju koprat..baju ni mrupkan trade mark plajar BPTV..
Pelajar: msti cantik en baju..x yah pkai baju skola lagi
awal 2011: eish..baju nie...naper warne oren...alo..susahnyer nak gosok.. panjangnyer baju baju pinjam jer tgk
ptghn 2011:  eish...baju nie mnyusahkan..x cantik... cam baju baju kilang..nk oter baju lar..
slps percubaab SPM:  isnin baju koprat..slase amali..rabu koprat..khamis n jumaat kurung..
1 bulan sblm SPM:  isnin koprat.selase-khamis baju amali..
10 hri b4 spm: x nmpak da baju koprat...hahahha.jumaat pon da baju more baju skolah..
                       kalu ade pon dak2 fm4 jer..
cam2 lar kisahnyer

Sunday, October 30, 2011

13 hari lagi!

Posted by atul azly at Sunday, October 30, 2011 0 budak comel komen
pergh...tkot seyh..tinggl 13 hari..aku rase nth paper yang aku blaja...ya allah..mkin lame makin x paham..mkin blurr..btol ke aku nk amek spm taunnie??? NG205A048 nie no angke so scared


Posted by atul azly at Sunday, October 30, 2011 0 budak comel komen
This is an important information for all Muslims!

Be aware of the Red dot inside a red square symbol which shown on chocolate bars like : Bounty Chocolate bar / Mars/ sneakers ... it's shown specifically at the back beside the weight numbers.
That mark means that these products contains gelatin which is derived from PORK!!
They put that mark to warn vegetarian people that the chocolate bar have non-vegetarian contents/ingredients in it.
PLZ share this info with all your friends
and remember that "The One Who Guides Others to Good Deeds is Like the One Who Does Them"
Jazakomullah kolla khair

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Posted by atul azly at Wednesday, October 26, 2011 0 budak comel komen

woman was made from the rib of man,
she was not created from his head to top him,
not from his feet to be stepped upon,
she was made from his side to be close to him,
from beneath his arm to be protected by him
near his heart to be loved by him

ha...lirik lagu wanita by d-hearty
saye suke..mendalam maksud die

Didiklah wanita dengan keimanan
Bukannya harta ataupun pujian
Kelak tidak derita berharap pada yang binasa

picnic wif family

Posted by atul azly at Wednesday, October 26, 2011 1 budak comel komen
dear blog:)

okyh harini pepagi..Adawiyah!!! bagun..!! oh soudtrack yang x penah jemu aku dga..hehehehe okyh bagun...hurmmmmm wanginye..da bau bihun macaroni da siap da atas meje..hehehehhe..dgn x gosok gigi da dok kat meje..coi..(x snonoh punye ank dare)..cit.. kne marah dek umi..sarapan kat sg congkak la! okyh..then sblum sampai sg congka singah jap bli jajan..tige2 nk kua..then umi ckp amek jer aper nak..then kami btige pon...ape lagi..rezeki tuhan bagi..soh amek jer en..bedal lar...

nie hanye yang diamek gambar..yang lain da aqiqah awal2 kat sepupu-sepupuku yang lain

pastu jom kiter sarapan dulu
nie KIMBAB..Sushi lar...cedap..nyumnyum
okyh..kerane aku x nk main air aku tpakse jadi baby siter jap

jage baby mia!
okyh pastu barular den rendam kaki kat air...hahhahaha

aku dapat mandi kurang dari stengah jam..coz tangan da naik merah2..badan da gatal2..aduiiiii...then tka baju...basuh kaki..BUSH!!! tergelincir..basah....wa!!! then tka lg 1 baju...
n aku tukang amek gamba jer lar.. da mmg keje den...
okyh...2 jer tok arini...tata:)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

hasil tangkapan hari ini..

Posted by atul azly at Tuesday, October 25, 2011 0 budak comel komen
okyh..harini sy n mak sye p SOGO..bli hadiah ayah...
pit stop..=)
hahaha...ini lar hentian yang telah menipiskan poket mak den..hehhehe 
CK aqua
nice seyh bau dier.....
 pastu bli yang nie plak
issey miyake

okyh dah..dah....da nipis poket kat sogo kite nipiskan poket kat 
hehhehehe....jenjalan pusing 4 floor jer...da x larat nak p floor ke 5..pas2 
p makan kat KFC..yahooo..then balik..
nie lar hasil tangkapan

okyh..nie plak koleksi perfume2 kat umah den
isey miyaki..CK eternity aqua,Haiku,Sweet honesty..Ck Eterinity,CK free for men,Burbery London,Ana Sui,Buterfly..yang botol kcik skali 2 CK eternity  for woman

oky....:) shopping day

yang cantik menarik tertarik...hahahhaa
Burbery parfume set..NAK!!

okyh..nie kalu bminat nak bli scare online..o nk survey harge for Calvin Klien bley klik kat sini..

ps:Prince fara...cik bley bli kan tok saye GUCCI ENVY ea..hehehhe
x pon DKNY..

Monday, October 24, 2011

jom bace..menarik nie...

Posted by atul azly at Monday, October 24, 2011 0 budak comel komen
blog biase lar en...then bace lar entry 1 blog yang agak terkenal gak dikalangan bloger2..
nak taw x per?? Petanda dia adalah jodoh kita suke bace ini.. tp wallahualam...jodoh 2 en ktentuan Allah swt.. tp boleh lar bace..mb ad kbenaran disebalik petande nie en..mane taw..=)

Kecantikan seorang lelaki bukan kepada rupa fizikal tetapi pada murni rohani. Lelaki yang cantik,adalah:-

1) Lelaki yang mampu mengalirkan airmata untuk ingatan
2) Lelaki yang sedia menerima segala teguran
3) Lelaki yang memberi madu,setelah menerima racun
4) Lelaki yang tenang dan lapang dada
5) Lelaki yang baik sangka
6) Lelaki yang tak pernah putus asa 

Twilight saga...24 November

Posted by atul azly at Monday, October 24, 2011 0 budak comel komen
wa...tadi sy tgk2 lar movie yang bakal keluar end of the year 2011...yang menarik HAPPY FEET 2 n Twilight saga...wa...da tgk trailer dier..KLIK KAT SINI best!!! saye mau tgk...n biler lar harry poter nak kua nie..aisyehhh....

aku sure die kwn nanti..oh my edward..:) nak tgk!!!!

mau tik Tok Your Own Face

Posted by atul azly at Monday, October 24, 2011 0 budak comel komen
dear blog:)
 ha so harini sy pon puas blog walk...mcm2 blog lar dibuka then berure-ure nk tka background blog..alih2 nmpak plk tik tok nie..wa comel!!! nak!!!! aiceh. taw copy paste je en...yelar nak wat cam2 sendiri x jer amek programming course..hampeh...buat basic codding reti ler..kalu camnie mmg x reti lar...
so kalau bminat nak wat gak klik kat sini ha..t dier aja care2 nak make sure ap yang nak sume dapat ah...kalu x melepas la..=)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

hari ahad..hari keluarga ku

Posted by atul azly at Sunday, October 23, 2011 0 budak comel komen
okyh..harini pg dok umah..then ptg sy jenjalan kat nilai 3 carik barang makcu.. then sedang caye n umi leke mmilih barang ayah n ashyraf...ilang plk..tadi ad kat blakang...
rupnyer dorang p kedai mainan  pg beli nie
 ceh...dapat gak adik lelaki aku nak
BUZY..hahahah en azly sibuk tgk seting helikopter
muke letih..setelah penat bermain n men setting...kuikuikui
nie...balik2..awatla si gary nie

upnyer kaki dier luke..ptotla sedikit tempang...cian dier...tapi da ltk minyak gamat da...sok x la pedih lagi ea gary...cian dier

Saturday, October 22, 2011

nak nie...

Posted by atul azly at Saturday, October 22, 2011 0 budak comel komen
malam tadi aku jenjalan tbe2 ayah stop kat kedai yang jual nie.. galaxy tab...

syes cye ckp.. bulan 3 nie sy akn memilik x peria@ samsung galaxy tab...slh satu daripadnye akn menjadi milik saye..btol..x nak!!! eisssssshhhh geram  taw x..nak bendenie sangat2..

then malam tadi cikman nak blanje saye corby..

coz die p bli blackbery n jual N6 die..ceh..aku da ckp kalu nk jual aku bli...cittttt..die p jual kat kedai then amek uh mseg gne blackbery
then next week sy mau pujuk abg cye tka gne DG or Celcom..wa..messg 1/2 sen kot..
kalu dg plak gune 50 sen then uh..nie maxis da mahal giler..x per2..dapat corby aku bli 1 no lg..=)

doa2 sabtunie cik man menang boling..yahhoooooo!!!!

aku jelez!!! eeeiiiiiiii geram..geram...geram...

Posted by atul azly at Saturday, October 22, 2011 0 budak comel komen
dear diary

sy mau starte kit felt nie sila tekan pada tulisan itu ye untuk melihat...=)

ahhhh jelez..
Raudhatul aishyah Azly..awak mmg menguji keimana dan kesabaran saye..eiiiii taw aunt blikan dier felt cost about 55 ringgit malaysia...she dosnt know how 2 us money..why???? its should 4 me..not her!! arghhhhhhh..hate it!! okyh...x per2..mlm tadi pulang jenjlan dari down town..umi mnyuruh saye memakai rantai..then tbe2 tnampak ad gelang yang x kne
cye: umi nie saper punye(sambil menunjukn gelang 2)
umi:owh..caca..kan birthday dier..
cye:what???no way..its not fair..knape akak x dapat?
umi: ala kan birthday caca dulu..
cye:tapi nie design yang akak akak x nk camnie..same design..akak nk yang lain..
cye:diam(air mate mule begenang) sob..sob...
umi:ala t la..nak barang kmes bnyak2 buat pe..awak da bsa..x lame lg suami bg..
cye:ha?? hehehehe..tut...................

ha cam2 lar perangai eden..x ley nak bkn x nk bnde yang same ngn adik n x ley adik lbih dari kiter...
mmg lar..JELEZ taw x... heheh perangai camnie jgnlah diikuti..

p/s: sy nak jugak felt 2!! x kire....

okyh..jom share gamba @ MFC

Posted by atul azly at Saturday, October 22, 2011 0 budak comel komen
nie lar tmpatnyer
kalu yang dok bangi 2 restoran nie sederet ngn tuti fruity n uniform galery

okyh jom p order dlu!!
wow..sedap!!!! siblings....=)
myB pasnie ad my prince plk kat sebelah kot..hahahah
aiceh manje-manje pulak..
k lar nie lar sbe sdikit ley tunjuk..kalu nk tgk lg p lar bkak MUKABUKU caye ea..k
love forever

Monday, October 17, 2011

its call an animals..

Posted by atul azly at Monday, October 17, 2011 0 budak comel komen
jom bace story friends qieyla yang tag kat fb...bace..n byngkan betape troknye siksaan 44 hari seorang gadis...
ya allah mintak dijauhkan dari sume nie...

The crime: In November of 1988, Boy A (then 18), Boy B (Jo Kamisaku, then 17, Kamisaku was a new family name he took after being released from prison), Boy C (then 16) and Boy D (then 17) from Tokyo abducted and held Furuta, a second year high school (grade 11) student from Saitama Prefecture in Misato, for 44 days. They kept her captive in the house owned by the parents of Boy C. To forestall a manhunt, Boy A coerced Furuta into calling her own parents and telling them that she had run away from home, but was with "a friend" and was not in danger. He also browbeat her into posing as one of the boys' girlfriends when the parents of the house where she was held were around, but when it became clear that the parents would not call the police, he dropped this pretext. Furuta tried to escape several times, begging the parents more than once to help her, but they did nothing, apparently out of fear that Boy A would hurt them. Boy A was at the time a low-level yakuza leader and had bragged that he could use his connections to kill anyone who interfered. According to their statements at their trial, the four of them raped her, beat her, introduced foreign objects including an iron rod into her vagina, made her drink her own urine and was fed cockroaches, inserted fireworks into her anus, and set them off, forced Furuta to masturbate, cut her nipple with pliers, dropped dumbbells onto her stomach, and burned her with cigarettes and lighters. (One of the burnings was punishment for attempting to call the police.) At one point her injuries were so severe that according to one of the boys it took more than an hour for her to crawl downstairs to use the bathroom. They also related that "possibly a hundred different people" knew that Furuta had been imprisoned there, but it is not clear if this means they visited the house at different times while she was imprisoned there, or themselves either raped or abused her. When the boys refused to let her leave, she begged them on several occasions to "kill her and get it over with". On January 4, 1989, using one of the boys' loss at mah-jongg as a pretext, the four beat her with an iron barbell, poured lighter fluid on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire. She died later that day of shock. The four boys claimed that they were not aware of how badly injured she was, and that they believed she had been malingering. The killers hid her corpse in an 55-gallon drum filled with cement; the perpetrators disposed the drum in a tract of reclaimed land in Koto, Tokyo. Arrest and punishment The boys were arrested and tried as adults; but, because of Japanese handling of crimes committed by juveniles, their identities were sealed by the court. However, a weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun reported their real names, claiming "Human rights aren't needed for brutes."[2] Furuta's real name and details about her personal life were reported exhaustively in the media. Kamisaku was judged as a sub leader, at least according to the official trial. The four boys pled guilty to a reduced charge of "committing bodily injury that resulted in death", rather than murder. Boy A's parents sold their house for approximately 50 million yen and paid this as compensation to Furuta's family.[citation needed] For his participation in the crime, Kamisaku served eight years in a juvenile prison before he was released, in August 1999. In July 2004, he was arrested for assaulting an acquaintance, whom he believed to be luring a girlfriend away from him, and allegedly bragged about his earlier infamy. [1] Kamisaku was sentenced to seven years in prison for the beating. Junko's parents were dismayed by the sentences received by their daughter's killers, and enjoined a civil suit against the parents of the boy in whose home the crimes were committed. When some of the convictions were overturned on the basis of problematic physical evidence (the semen and pubic hair recovered from the body did not match those of the boys who were arrested), the lawyer handling the civil suit decided there was no case to be made and refused to represent them further. (There is speculation that the evidence may have been contaminated—for example, by unidentified persons who raped Furuta. One of the most disturbing parts of this true story is that her killers are now free. After putting Junko Furuta through all that suffering, they are free men. The sufferings that she had to go through DAY 1: November 22, 1988: Kidnapped Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy's girlfriend Raped (over 400 times in total) Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away Starved and malnutritioned Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink Forced to masturbate Forced to strip in front of others Burned with cigarette lighters Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus DAY 11: December 1, 1988: Severely beat up countless times Face held against concrete ground and jumped on Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn't accept it) Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury DAY 20: December10, 1989: Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns Beat with bamboo sticks Fireworks inserted into anus and lit Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked Beaten with golf club Cigarettes inserted into vagina Beaten with iron rods repeatedly Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding DAY 30: Hot wax dripped onto face Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion Unable to urinate properly Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom Eardrums severely damaged Extreme reduced brain size DAY 40: Begged her torturers to "kill her and get it over with" January 1, 1989: Junko greets the New Years Day alone Body mutilated Unable to move from the ground DAY 44: January 4, 1989: The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle's flame to her face and eyes. Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours. Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through. When her mother heard the news and details of what had happened to her daughter, she fainted. She had to undergo a psychiatric outpatient treatment . Imagine her endless pain. Her killers are now free men. Justice was never served, not even after 20 years. This story from 1989 is true. Please spread her story around. Everyone should know about the existence of Junko Furuta's unimaginable and incomprehensible suffering A producer from Japan was touched about this story and made this as a movies ( Concrete – 2002 ) Never let her story be forgotten. If this story changes the life of at least one person then it has been worth it. Please invite your friends for join this pages and share this story ! We love you 

masyaallah..troknye siksaan dier...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mudzalifah Fried Chicken_Durians Falling down

Posted by atul azly at Friday, October 14, 2011 0 budak comel komen
parapapapa...hye.... ha..citer hari ini...huh..semangat nak balik harini..hahha umi soh balik rumah..durian runtuh..alhamdulilah..rezeki Allah bagi kat ayah tok dikongsi bersame anak2 setelah 3 hari berturut-turut famly ku makan di luar tanpe kehadiran anak tersayang yang terchomel=)hehhe perasan je...
so harini menurut permintaanku..untuk mkn di MUDZALIFAH FRIED CHICKEN dkt bangi...wa! best uh...tapi x dpt nk share gamba lar..USB cable x bwk..huhu..sory... sok lar baru upload gamba...oky nice lar tmpat dier..elegent gitue..hehehhe.. tukang serve pon..hadoiiiiii....cair den tgk..hahahaha ayu2 n kacak2 blake...price reasonable... hurm puas hati sgt2 mkn kat cni...perfect lar..then tadi minum air soda arab..hahah cam botol wine bkn...2 minuman malt@ halal! wa cdy x dpt share gamba...x pe2 sok ea=)

im azly's daughter=)

Posted by atul azly at Friday, October 14, 2011 0 budak comel komen

Salam alaik
Abu Darda ada meriwayatkan yang Rasulullah SAW ada bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya kamu akan dipanggil pada hari Kiamat nanti dengan nama-nama kamu dan juga nama-nama bapa kamu, maka perelokkanlah nama-namamu." 
(Hadith Riwayat Abu Daud)

makne name saye=)


alhamdulilah..indah maksudnye kan??? Semoge sye akn jd seorang yang seindah name yang diberi..insyaallah,trus berushe untuk mnjadi lebih baik n yang terbaik..

kalu dbri maksud yg lbh spesifik RABIATUL tue maknye yang ke empat @ taman yang indah…eh sy yng 1st lar..pttnye name “wahid’ah” hehehehhe oky ADAWIYAH mean ubat,penyembuh @ penawar

setelah mencari dan terus mencari akhirnya aku menemui teori yang menarik tentang angka 19 nie..

Tatkala diteliti kalimah Bismillah di dalam susunan huruf-huruf arab, ia terbina dengan 19 huruf. Fenomena angka 19 dan kelipatannya di dalam Al Quran memang sudah cukup lama dibicarakan namun tidak semua ‘minda muslim’ mahu melihatnya dan menghayatinya. Menariknya, pengkaji-pengkaji ilmu nombor rata-rata bersetuju bahawa SIMBOL NOMBOR hanya ada Sembilan Angka kesemuanya iaitu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 dan 9. Dimulai dengan simbol angka 1 dan di akhiri dengan simbol angka 9. Maka, MESEJ ALLAH melalui kod metamatik 19 huruf yang membina kalimah Bismillah ini seolah menggambarkan SEGALANYA DI ANTARA 1 dan 9, yakni “DIALAH YANG AWAL DAN YANG AKHIR” sejajar dengan firmannya dalam surah Al-Hadid ayat 3 yang bermaksud:
“Dialah Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir dan Yang Zahir serta Yang Batin dan Dialah Yang Maha Mengetahui akan tiap-tiap sesuatu.” QS 57:3
Kod metamatika 19 pada Bismillah ini juga memperlihatkan suatu formula metamatik agung yang membuktikan MUKJIZAT Al-Quran yang dipenuhi dengan KERANGKA KEKUNCI METAMATIKA ULUNG yang tak mampu dicipta oleh manusia. Jika dicampurkan angka yang kelihatan ini (iaitu 1 dan 9) ia akan membawa kita ke satu nilai akhir iaitu SATU (1+9 = 10 seterusnya 1+0= 1). Bukankah ayat Bismillah merupakan AYAT PERTAMA (SATU) yang tersusun di dalam Al-Quran??!.
Tidak cukup dengan itu, penemuan-penemuan oleh mereka yang mengkaji al-Quran telah menemui berbagai Rahsia Keajaiban yang membukti ALLAH adalah GURU METAMATIK melalui kitabnya Al-Quran. Antaranya:
  • AL-QURAN mengandungi 114 surah iaitu 19X6
  • Ada 6346 rangkap ayat (termasuk 112 Bismillah yg tidak bertanda iaitu 19X334 (menariknya 6+3+4+6 = 19)
  • BISMILLAH disebut 114 kali, walaupun ianya mudah dilihat ketiadaannya disurah 9 (ianya disebut dua kali didalam surah 27) & menjadikan 114 =19 x 6.
  • Dari surah 9 yang tidak ada Bismillah sampai kesurah 27 yang mempunyai ekstra Bismillah, jaraknya genap 19 surah surah.
then lahir pada bulan disember or lebih tepat dalam bulan rejab
Semasa kecilnya dia degil dan nakal. lbu bapanya patut mendidiknya dengan baik agar dia dapat menerapkan nilai-nilai yang baik. Ketika sudah dewasa, dia suka bersikap merendah diri dan bersikap tidak tahu menahu. Ini agak berlainan dari sikapnya semasa kecil. Walaubagaimanapun hidupnya selamat dan sentosa.

    Sunday, October 9, 2011

    opsss sorryyyy

    Posted by atul azly at Sunday, October 09, 2011 0 budak comel komen sedang dikemaskini....hehehe

    salam sayang  atul azly


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